Excursii Montane

Descoperă frumusețile țării ...

the sun is setting over the mountains in the desert
the sun is setting over the mountains in the desert

Despre Noi

Suntem specializați în organizarea de excursii montane în România pentru elevii claselor de la Școala Ursita. Oferim experiențe unice și sigure în mijlocul naturii.

aerial photography of mountain range covered with snow under white and blue sky at daytime
aerial photography of mountain range covered with snow under white and blue sky at daytime
snow mountain under stars
snow mountain under stars


ice-capped mountain at daytime
ice-capped mountain at daytime
closeup photo of rocky mountain under blue and white sky
closeup photo of rocky mountain under blue and white sky
mountains during golden hour
mountains during golden hour
landscape photography of lake and mountain
landscape photography of lake and mountain



Strada Principala, nr. 123, sat Ursita


Weekday working hours